Are you getting the most out of its investments in its enterprise resource planning (ERP) system?
If you rely on manual or semi-automated accounts payable processes, the answer is likely “no.”
Many ERP systems are not fully leveraged because the accounts payable processes that touch these expensive systems have not been fully optimized. In many cases, they are manual! As a result:
Organizations cannot afford to have your hefty ERP investments undermined by manual accounts payable processes. That’s why more organizations are automating their accounts payable processes with solutions that combine data capture and workflow and seamlessly integrate with their ERP.
Automation provides a single platform for digitizing paper documents, importing electronic documents in their native format (e-mail, fax, EDI and PDFs) from other applications, extracting key data (such as invoice number, invoice amount and supplier identification), electronically routing invoices that require approval or exceptions handling to pre-defined individuals, archiving invoice images and data, and seamlessly uploading information on approved invoices into an ERP.
On-the-go and Work-from-Home purchasers can also approve invoices via a smartphone or tablet.
Integrating an automated accounts payable solution with an ERP reduces operational costs, trims errors, enhances visibility, provides greater processing flexibility, and accelerates cycle times.
Let us show you how an automated accounts payable application from Canon can help deliver better return on investment on your ERP system. Contact us to speak with one of our automation experts.